Research Guides

Research Guides

▒ Thesis



On This Page

             • Overview             
             • Types 
             • Components              
             • Related Courses



                   Thesis is the most commonly performed research type at graduate schools. Through
                   it students seek answers hoping to find implications in a real setting with a few steps:
                   establishing their research questions, illustrating procedures and methods they
                   perform to solve them, and interpreting the results in a very detailed manner.  


          • Types

                    ▶ Quantitative research

                        Quantitative research is the systematic empirical investigation of observable
                        phenomena via statistical, mathematical or computational techniques. The most
                        commonly observed quantitative research type at IGSE is an experiment, co-
                        relation and survey study.

                             ☆    Examples 

                                  - Experiment: Intensive vs. extensive listening: Which is more effective for L2 beginners?
                                  - Correlation: The relationship between collocation competence and writing skills
                                  - Survey: Korean EFL teachers’ attitude toward corpus use


                      Quantitative research
                         Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an
                         understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides
                         insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential
                         quantitative research.
                             ☆    Examples 
                      ▶ Mixed-method research
                          Mixed methods research is a methodology for conducting research that involves
                          collecting, analyzing and integrating quantitative (e.g., experiments, surveys)
                          and qualitative (e.g., focus groups, interviews) research.
                             ☆    Examples 
                                  - Group Processes and L2 Situation-specific Motivation: Investigating the Motivational Basis of                                          Cooperative Language Learning
                       ▶ Systematic analysis
                          A systematic analysis is a type of research that collects and critically analyzes
                          multiple research studies, papers or materials (programs).
                             ☆    Examples 
                                  - Quantitative: A frequency analysis of English suffixes based on corpora
                                  - Qualitative: Use of V+NP collocations in high school English textbooks
                                  - Literature: Synthesizing research on authenticity in EFL materials

           • Components   

                    1. Introduction
                    2. Literature Review
                    3. Method
                    4. Result
                    5. Discussion


           • Related Courses

                    ▶  Information Literacy 1 & 2
                    ▶  Introduction to Statistics
                    ▶  Research Methods

